Friday, January 21, 2011

Great Food – Pizza Dino’s

The best way to describe Pizza Dino’s setting is in the middle of it all, off the beaten path. Finding your way there, though, is worth the trouble. You’ll be treated to great wood fired pizza in a setting that surpasses most of the pizzerias in Las Terrenas. Pizza Dina doesn’t have a beach front view but it does have comfortable well-constructed furniture, a high canna roof with attractive beams to add ambience and a subtle campo theme with old saddle blankets and traditional Dominican saddles slung over the interior railings of the dining room.
Clean, unclutter interior at Pizza Dino, Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic
The pizza oven is situated at the back of the restaurant – open kitchen style with the bar next to it. Choose a table further back if you want to avoid the street noise. Move further up if you want to watch the evening activities unfold in the neighborhood.
The bar is stocked with the usual Las Terrenas offerings – beer, red and white wine and a variety of liquor. Both the beer and the red wine were served cold but it doesn’t take long for the red wine to achieve a drinkable temperature on a warm Caribbean evening.

Your choices for food are pizza or pizza but the menu has variety of interesting common and uncommon options. I have become a fan of corn on my pizza – a common Dominican topping given their propensity for starches. I chose the Pizza Dominicana with corn, shrimp, green peppers and cheese with a tomato sauce for my dinner.
My husband went for a more traditional Italian offering of anchovies on tomato sauce with garlic and cheese. We both were impressed by the thin, crispy crust and the flavorful toppings. Best of all, the pizzas are big enough that we both had left-overs for lunch the next day.
Our tab came to just over RD$900 with two pizzas, two beers and two glasses of wine. My husband mentioned that on his last visit the group had convinced the chef to make appetizers of toasted bread sticks with cheese even though it’s not on the menu. If you get creative, you might even convince them to make a dessert pizza for something sweet at the end of your meal.
Located next to Hotel Elgancia - take a right from Calle Duarte at Alex's Barbershop
Pizza Dino is located in downtown Las Terranas. Take a right on the second street past Lindo supermarket. Pizza Dino is halfway down the block on your left next to Hotel Elegancia.

Pizzeria Dino is distinctive with it's canna roof and mural

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